Homeschool Curriculum Guides

Dive into Levi Lusko's The Last Supper on the Moon and Marvel at the Moon with these comprehensive curriculum guides. They are designed to offer a Bible/history/science credit for your kids in their homeschool journey.

The Last Supper on the Moon (Recommended for ages 15+)

The Last Supper on the Moon is designed for high school students and is crafted to enhance your teenager’s learning with comprehension, critical thinking, application, creative writing, and discussion questions for each of the 24 chapters. Structured in two sections—Student and Teacher—the guide provides a clear set of questions for students alongside a comprehensive answer key for educators, making it easy for you both to study and teach your way through!

Marvel at the Moon (Recommended for ages 5+)

Marvel at the Moon is designed for kids ages 5-11. It is designed to engage young minds in meaningful discussions. Each section includes thought-provoking questions categorized into creation, imagination, critical thinking, personal reflection, and God's creation and care for each of the 90 devotions. 

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