The Last Supper on the Moon
Homeschool Curriculum

Dive into Levi Lusko's The Last Supper on the Moon with this comprehensive homeschooling guide. This downloadable guide is crafted to enhance your teenager’s learning in history, science, and the Bible using The Last Supper on the Moon. For each chapter, the guide offers a range of questions designed to maximize learning:

  • Comprehension: Build a solid foundation by ensuring students understand the key concepts and facts presented in each chapter.

  • Critical Thinking: Encourage students to analyze information, evaluate different perspectives, and solve problems creatively.

  • Application: Help students connect the themes and lessons from the book to real-world scenarios and personal experiences.

  • Creative Writing: Invite students to craft their own narratives based on the themes discussed to stimulate their imagination and improve their writing skills.

  • Discussion: Facilitate deeper engagement and interaction, fostering an environment where students can express their thoughts and ideas openly.

Structured in two sections—Student and Teacher—the guide provides a clear set of questions for students alongside a comprehensive answer key for educators, making it easy for you both to study and teach your way through! 

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